Nyarch Linux

The perfect linux distribution for degenerates.


Enhance your Weebflow with our pre-installed applications

Nyarch Linux offers the best open-source app that every weeb needs pre-installed.

Catgirl Downloader

This application satisfies one of the most important need that a weeb have: getting some random pictures of cute catgirls whenever you want

Nyarch Customize

Nyarch customize lets you quickly customize your desktop. You can choose your favourite layout, or enable very cool animations. Weebs love animations.

Material UwU

Choose any waifu as your wallpaper, the desktop and applications themes will automatically adapt their colors to make you feel at home. You can also choose which color theme to use.

Technical Features

A small introduction of what NyarchLinux offers

Wide Package Compatibility

Flathub installed and actived by default, install appimages easily with appimagelauncher, and install AUR packages with trizen

Semi-Rolling Release

Packages are always up to date thanks to Arch Linux's rolling release nature, offering good up to date bugs. Desktop customizations are updated on a release schedule.

Easy to use

Nyarch Tour helps you to discover installed applications, teaches you how to download new applications, and how the desktop works.

Free and Open Source

Everything is under GPLv3 license, if you are brave enough, you can check the source code, edit it, collaborate, and redistribute it.

Nyarch Linux 24.04

Live user password: live
If you want to install our customization on another distribution, check out Nyarcher Script

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